On Friday morning, one of the choir members who participated in the Maundy Thursday service tested positive for Covid (home test; results of a PCR test are pending as of Saturday morning). We are alerting the congregation to this occurrence per the St John’s Covid...
Holy Week Schedule
Maundy Thursday, April 14, 2022. Join us for worship at communion at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary with worship concluding in the Memorial Garden. This service will also be live-streamed. Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022. Join us as we celebrate Christ's resurrection...
A Search for a New Church Administrator
As we shared last week, our Church Administrator Lara Kennedy will be leaving St. John’s in April, as she has accepted an incredible job offer closer to home. Lara will remain on staff until Easter, and is working with Patrick, Ridgley, and members of the...
Loving Someone With Dementia – a 3 part series
March 27th marks the beginning of our 3-part series on Dementia and Alzheimer's! Join us after church in the Carriage House at 10:45am to learn more about caring for our loved ones who have these hard diagnoses. This series will be led by our very own Lauren Tiede!...
COVID Update – Masks Now Optional
St. John's Covid Task Force met on Wednesday in order to review our Covid protocol in light of continually decreasing case numbers in our area. The following changes have been made, effective immediately: Masks are now optional in the church building, including during...
Christmas Eve Worship at St. John’s Friday, December 24th (4pm & 8pm)
As you finish up your final preparations this Advent Season, we wanted to share with you some important details about worship this year for our Christmas Eve services. Two Services: This year we have two worship services: 4pm (Lessons & Carols) and 8pm...
St. John’s COVID Task Force Update
Four medical-grade air purifiers have been purchased for use in the sanctuary, and two for the children’s rooms on the lower level starting this Sunday, November 21. Given the increasing level of COVID transmission in Chester County, we continue to ask that all...
Congregational Care
In our ongoing effort to keep our church family connected in this time apart, we will be providing regular updates on pastoral care needs in the life of our church. If you have a pastoral care concern that you would like to have included in next Sunday's email and/or...
Pastoral Update
As we shared in an email and letter, the Session has approved a medical leave of absence for Pastor Patrick, beginning Wednesday, November 10, and lasting up to 90 days. If you were unable to attend any of the Q&A session, feel free to reach out to any of our Elders...
St. John’s Reopening
Important Notice: We will be resuming worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, July 4 at 9:30 AM. While worship will essentially look like it did before COVID, there are a couple of things to be aware of if you plan on coming in person: If you are fully vaccinated, you are...