Adult Christian Education
Mission Statement:
Create opportunities for adult members to deepen their knowledge and enrich their faith to live as followers of Jesus Christ. By planning and implementing a variety of learning experiences, we strive to fulfill our mission. Available opportunities in which to participate are as follows:
Supper at St. John’s
During this time of COVID, Supper at St. John’s has carried on without the supper! While we are not able to meet in person, our Zoom-supported classes enable participants to dive into faith-centered conversations about topics and issues that enrich lives and encourage growth. Past courses have included in depth bible studies as well as discussion to topics ranging from grace to raising faithful children to explorations of heaven and hell.
The 2022 winter session will include an 8-week class from January 26 to March 16, 2022. We are delighted to welcome you to join us for Supper at St. John’s via Zoom beginning on January 26 from 7:00-8:00 pm. Brian Bouvier will be facilitating a discussion of Rob Bell’s best-selling and somewhat controversial book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived.
The fall 2022 session will include one 10 week course, dates to be determined. The course will be a series of sermons by Dr. Timothy Keller on What We Believe. These sermons follow the outline of the Apostles Creed but make it relevant to our lives today. Each week’s sermon (by video) will be followed by class discussion.
Year Round Opportunities
Carriage Club
Four times a year, usually on Monday from Noon–1:30 PM in Fellowship Hall, we offer a lunch and an engaging presentation on topics ranging from history to books and world events. Some meetings will feature a trip to a local restaurant or attraction. Childcare is available upon request.
Companions in Prayer
Meeting in the Kean each Wednesday at 9 AM, the “Companions in Prayer” ponder a bit of Scripture, and then pray on behalf of the church, its members and friends who have specific needs, and about other concerns farther afield.
Women’s Fellowship Thursday Morning Bible Study
Meets at 10 AM on the first and third Thursday mornings of each month in the Kean Room. Over cookies and coffee, the group studies and discusses a book in the Bible. This group is currently not meeting due to COVID.
Women’s Biblical Reflection
A group of women connecting through a faith based book study. It meets in the Wilson Carriage House and by ZOOM on Sunday mornings at 8:00 am for prayer and book study with Biblical application. Members of the group lead discussion. The current book being read is The Beautiful Work of Learning to Pray – 31 Lessons” by James C. Howell. All are welcome