Adult Christian Education

Mission Statement:

Create opportunities for adult members to deepen their knowledge and enrich their faith to live as followers of Jesus Christ. By planning and implementing a variety of learning experiences, we strive to fulfill our mission. Available opportunities in which to participate are as follows:

Supper at St. John’s

Designed to include the entire family around the dinner table, Supper at St. John’s is a way to feed your body and your soul. Each week we gather for a delicious home cooked meal prepared in our church kitchen by members and friends. After supper, children are supervised at play and adults attend a variety of educational opportunities, from Bible study to topics on Christianity in the modern world. We explore questions of faith in small group discussions or even lecture style formats, both with a chance for interactive dialogue. Plan to join us on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 8:00pm for ten weeks in the fall and ten weeks in the winter. You will find a description of the current study in the weekly church bulletin and on the website. Newcomers are always welcome.

Year Round Opportunities

Women’s Book Group

Two groups gather for prayer and spiritual book study on Sunday morning and Monday late morning. Discussions are led by members of the group.

Men’s Book and Bible Study

Led by Rev. Dr. Patrick Marshall, this Men’s group meets every other Wednesday in the Carriage House from 7 am -8 am.  Come join us for enriching conversation that helps us to deepen our relationship with Christ and one another.  It’s a great start to the day!

Companions In Prayer

Wednesdays, 9:00-10:00 am, year-round. This group meets in the Kean Room to join in communal prayer for the needs of our world, our local community, and our church family. 

Inquirer’s Class

This class is designed to help newcomers and long-time visitors become better acquainted with St. John’s, the history of our church, the roles of church board members, and the many opportunities available for service and fellowship. The date of the next Inquirer’s Class will be announced in the weekly church bulletin, the newsletter, and the website.

Special Seminars

Throughout the year, we offer retreats, book studies, movie nights, and programs concerning current events. These opportunities for Christian growth, personal discovery, and discussion are announced in the weekly bulletin and the website.
