Worship & Music


We gather for worship on Sundays at 9:30 A.M. Our hope is that we can provide a space where you can give yourself to God together with us. Worship is enhanced by a wide variety of music, including adult and children’s choirs, bell choirs, a brass ensemble, and our contemporary musical group, the Joy Messengers, as well as occasional guest musicians. Most Sunday we offer a children’s time for kids from Pre-K through 5th grade before they leave for Sunday school. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month, and all are welcome.



Devon Brass

The Devon Brass is a brass quartet composed of members of our St. John’s community. They play a repertoire of sacred and classical music regularly during worship and at special events such as the Fall Festival. Rehearsals during the program year are on Thursdays at 7:30 PM following the Chancel Choir rehearsal. If you play a brass instrument, you are always welcome to come and play!

The Joy Messengers

The Joy Messengers are our eclectic contemporary worship music group. Their style ranges from folk and rock to gospel and hymns, blending beautiful vocal harmonies with tasteful accompaniment by guitar, piano, keyboards, accordion, ukulele, banjo, flute, percussion, and a variety of other instruments. They play in worship at least once a month, but also at special events like the Fall Festival, where they turn it up a little louder and rock a little harder! If you are interested in singing or playing with the Joy Messengers, please contact Nancy Kimmons or John Senior or contact the church office at 610-688-5222.

Hand Bells

Currently there are two hand bell choirs at St. John’s: an Adult choir and a Youth Choir.
Rehearsals begin in September and typically end in May. Knowledge of music is helpful, but not necessary to participate.

The Devon Chapel Bells (the Adult Hand Bell Choir) rehearses on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:45 PM. They ring six or seven times a year at the regular Sunday morning service.

The Rejoicing Ringers (the Youth Choir) is made up of students in 5th through 12th grades. They rehearse on Sundays from 11:00 AM to Noon, right after worship. They usually ring five times a year, alternating with the adult hand bell choir.

For more information about any of the hand bell choirs, please contact Betsy Miller through the church office at 610-688-5222.
