Divorce Recovery Seminar
Rebuilding at St. John’s – A 10 week in-person seminar for anyone ending a committed relationship
Reader and Usher Sign-Up
An online sign-up form is now available for people interested in serving as a Reader or Usher on Sundays. A link to the form can be found under Quick Links. The form will be continually updated so that the 12 upcoming Sundays will be available on the form.
Young and Young At Heart Summer Concerts
Join us for free local outdoor concerts this summer
Online Directory
Information on access to the Online Directory and how is can be used can be found under the RESOURCES page of the St John’s website.
Annual Church Meeting
The Annual Church Meeting is January 28, 2023 at 10:45am
Consecration Sunday
Join us for the Consecration Sunday Brunch. Click below for more information and to make your reservation.
Outreach Visit to Baker Industries
Several members of St John's Outreach committee visited Baker Industries, one of the charities St John's supports. Baker Industries is a nonprofit workforce development program serving hard-to-employ adults in our community. Baker will be speaking to our congregation...
Upcoming Outreach Activities
Two opportunities to participate in community support activities sponsored by the Outreach Committee are ongoing over the next few weeks.
Welcome Roseann Christian – New Church Administrator
We are very pleased to announce that Roseann Christian has joined the St John’s Presbyterian Church staff as our new Church Administrator.
Horse Show Parking Sign-Up
Our annual Horse Show Parking Fundraiser returns this year from May 26th-June 5th. We are currently in need of both youth and adult volunteers for 3 hour shifts to park cars and sell tickets. It is a great opportunity to get to know your church family and connect with...