Important Notice:
We will be resuming worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, July 4 at 9:30 AM. While worship will essentially look like it did before COVID, there are a couple of things to be aware of if you plan on coming in person:
- If you are fully vaccinated, you are not required to wear a mask, although you are certainly welcome to do so, depending on your level of comfort. If you are not fully vaccinated, you are expected to wear a mask as an act of care and consideration for your church family.
- Initially, we will be using every other pew for seating (although there are no restrictions on capacity). If the number of people attending worship exceeds our ability to do that, we will begin filling in empty pews.
- You do not need to sign up in advance or check in upon arrival. We are asking everyone to sign in using the fellowship pads. That is how we will handle any potential contact tracing going forward.
- We will not be passing offering plates at first. Instead, there will be offering plates/baskets at each entrance to the sanctuary, and you can simply place your offering there on your way in or out.
- We will be celebrating communion the way that we have done it at our outdoor services. As you enter the sanctuary, you will pick up a bag containing a piece of bread (gluten free is available) and a pre-sealed cup of juice.
- Nursery care will be available, and we will be having coffee time outdoors following worship. In the event of inclement weather, coffee time will move into the Fellowship Hall with the windows open.
The Session is confident that we have a good plan in place to get us back indoors worshipping safely, and we are going to have ushers here ready to help us navigate these changes. But there is going to be a learning curve for all of us, so we appreciate your patience and understanding. You can view the full reopening plan here.
Online Worship Service Videos
We will continue to provide online worship service videos, and links to view them can be found on the Online Worship page, and that page may also be opened from the Resources menu.