Annual Congregational Meeting January 26
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of St. John’s is called for Sunday January 26, 2025 immediately following worship for the purpose of distributing the Annual Report, presenting the 2025 budget and electing Elders, Deacons and Trustees.
All members of St. John’s are encouraged to attend. The Annual Report will be distributed by email before the meeting; paper copies will also be available for pickup. The names and biographies of thenominees for Elder, Deacon and Trustee will also be made available this week. The Annual Meeting will not be live-streamed.
Janet Kaido Joins St. John’s as Director of Music
We are pleased to share the exciting news that Janet Kaido has been hired as our new Director of Music! Janet has a Master’s Degree in Sacred Music from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, as well as an Artists’ Certificate in Organ Literature and Improvisation Study from the University of Music Franz Liszt in Weimar, Germany. She most recently served as the organist and choir director at Christ Church Ridley Park and before that she was the organist at Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton. Janet’s first day with St. John’s will be Monday, January 6, 2025. We are very excited to welcome Janet to St. John’s!
Join Us For Our 3rd Annual Chili Cook Off
We invite you to come to the Fellowship Hall and enjoy a free meal of chili, cornbread, and dessert after the Annual Meeting on January 26! The youth will share details about their summer trips during lunch so that you can hear the ways they grew in faith this past summer at the Massanetta and Montreat Youth Conferences thanks to your support during the Devon Horse Show. But we can’t do this without your help! Please RSVP using the link below if you plan on attending and include if you will be bringing food to share. All chili dishes should be brought to the kitchen the morning of January 26 in a crockpot so that we can set it up before the chili cook off begins. If you can’t make chili, cornbread, sides and desserts are ALWAYS welcome! ALL are welcome to attend this event – even if you don’t bring any food.
Transformation Team Update – January 2025
For the past year, St. John’s Transformation Team has been hard at work discerning the church that God is calling us to be now. Their work is now completed and the Session has unanimously and enthusiastically approved their proposal. You can read the full proposal here St John’s Transformation Team Proposal and can watch a video of their presentation that highlights the basics of the proposal by clicking on the link below.
>>> Transformation Team Presentation
In January, Session approved the creation of an Implementation Team comprised of Laurie Cato, Doris Humphrey, Steve Scolari and Jim Tiede. The initial purpose of the Implementation Team is to identify church members to work on each of the 7 areas of interest that have been identified and to set priorities for the initial stages of work. The Implementation Team is greatly interested to hear from you if you are interested in helping out in one or more of the identified areas. Click on the link to let us know of your interest(s) (please note that by signing up, you are not committing to serve, simply expressing your interest). The deadline for signups is February 14.
>>> Transformation Work Area Sign-Up
Youth Summer Trips – 2025
Youth Summer Trip registration is now open! St. John’s Presbyterian and Covenant Presbyterian will collaborate this summer for the fourth summer in a row. We will head to Massanetta Springs Camp and Conference Center in Harrisonburg, VA June 19-22 with rising 6th -8th graders and to Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, NC July 26-August 2 for rising 9th – graduating 12th graders.
To register your child for one of our summer trips, please fill out the form below, one form per registrant. After you register, you will be contacted by your respective church for payment and we will be in touch about our final meeting together in May. Please register by February 1.
Latest News
Transformation Implementation Team
Implementation Team announced to begin next stage of the Transformation Process
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Worship Videos
St. John's Worship Livestream - Sunday, January 19, 2025
St. John's Worship Livestream - Sunday, January 12, 2025
St. John's Worship Livestream - Sunday, January 5, 2025